Summer Rain…


It’s been a while now

Her imagination rebelled against her

It made her mind blank

And her hand numb

And all her thoughts were blocked by an invisible force

She simply gazed at the sky and waited

She waited for a sign

Everyday, each minute

She hoped for a miracle

A miracle that never happened, up to now.

While she was waiting,

She checked herself,

And to her surprise,

She was not the naïve soul she used to be,

Things happened which she never expected

Things that she never even dreamt of,

But she is still sure, about herself, about life,

About her new found way of thinking,

And about the miracle that is yet to happen

Life has a weird way of teaching us things

Sometimes by taking away things that are closer to our hearts

Things that are precious to us more than diamonds,

It’s just to check ourselves, to see our strength,

She hopes for a new day,

Which would be bright with love and laughter no more pain,

A new day with summer rain….

About Dee

Alive and fighting…
This entry was posted in Hope, Life, New Life, Poetry, Rain, Rising. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Summer Rain…

  1. Jingle says:

    She hopes for a new day,

    Which would be bright with love and laughter no more pain,

    A new day with summer rain……

    best wishes for she, very beautiful imagery, lovely job!

  2. yes…I know that longing so well…another day, free of pain…

    thank you for sharing such a beautiful poem full of fragile strength!

  3. booguloo says:

    Don’t you love when change sneaks up on you and find it didn’t hurt after all?

  4. There is both wisdom and beauty in this. And the image is beautiful.

  5. oh this is lovely!!! i would love if u would link this to my wish jar!!!! its beautiful!!!!!!!!
    Happy Potluck!

  6. Sumit Sarkar says:

    Fabulous poetry..

    “She hopes for a new day,
    Which would be bright with love and laughter no more pain,
    A new day with summer rain….”
    Love it 🙂

  7. Pat Cegan says:

    Lovely poem, so much is said is so little words. Thanks! hugs, pat

    Thanks, too, for visiting me!

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