Can you make me believe?

Friendship meant the world to me

Now it stand as just a hollow word

Among cut throats and people who stab

Among Those who rip your heart at once

You are standing tall and strong

You are my love and my BEST friend

Leave me not

For I will not believe in humanity

Make me believe in love

Can you make me believe in life?



Dakshi ~

2012– 14/09

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About Dee

Alive and fighting…
This entry was posted in Can't live without you, Faith, Hope, I will love you till i die and be with you, I will spend my life with you, Life, Love, Love you Forever, Meant to be with You, My World, New Life, Poetry, Relationships, Soul, Soulmate, Together, Understanding, Us, Waiting, You, You and Me, You are my life and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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